The new signs are visible when you enter Watershed Management Groups property. Their child-like font and colors encourage play!
Design process:
STEP 1: First I visited the playhouse to understand what the kids would be able to do there. I took photos, measured and we had a meeting about the goals of having the signs. Originally the instructional signs were supposed to be on one sign, but we realized they would be much more effective to have the information split up into 3 seperate signs. That way each sign could be placed closer to what the sign was educating the kids about.
STEP 2: I recieved the text that we would be including on each sign. I sketched possible ways to illustrate the concepts and sent them to Watershed Managment Group for approval.
STEP 3: After the concepts were approved I used Adobe Illustrator to create vector images of the scenes and also design the entire sign.
STEP 4: Once both the English and Spanish text was double-checked, I prepared the files for the sign manufacturer, SignAge.

The "Harvert Rain" sign is placed right near the cistern so the kids can learn how rain is collected.

My son loved filling the watering can full of water from the tank.

"Direct the Flow" encourages the kids to move the pipe handles so they can water the plants. It also introduces them to the term grey water.

The "Shape the Earth" sign is placed right over the sand box. Here kids can play with shapes in the sand to see how water is affected!

I highly recommend taking your kids to the Raindrop Retreat and
allowing them to play while learning about water conversation at the same time.
allowing them to play while learning about water conversation at the same time.
I loved creating these signs for Watershed Managment Group. Anytime I get to use both my illustration skills and design expertise is fun for me. If you have a project you'd like me to take a look at, feel free to email me.