The front and back of Sonoran Blend Granola. This granola is as tasty as it looks, and I loved illustrating and designing these labels.

Earned Addy Awards for the labels for Bird's Nest Baking Company's Sonoran Blend Granola

Front of each flavor of Bird's Nest Baking Company organic granola.

Linda Friedman, owner of BNBC, and I worked together over many months to create the new package design for her various flavors. Each flavor has illustrated elements that capture her hand-made granola's organic and tasty quality. Each flavor also has three sizes.
I initially painted each illustration using acrylic paint on canvas paper. Then, I designed multiple labels using Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign.
I also updated the Bird's Nest Baking Company brand identity by changing a few things. I simplified the nest from its previous version, changed the type treatment, and added "Handmade in Tucson." I also laid out all the back labels, including the company's ingredient list, nutrition chart, and contact info.

Postcard design for Bird's Nest Baking Company.
Bird's Nest Baking Company's organic granola is available at Whole Foods Markets, AJs Fine Foods, and the Heirloom Farmer's Market.